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Helium Plant 3 Project

  • OnGoing Project
  • Qatar
  • Industrial Projects.

The project is about Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract to build a Helium plant with capacity to produce approximately 0.4 billion standard cubic feet of liquid helium per annum. The new Helium 3 plant will be located at Barzan Plant plot site in Ras Laffan Industrial City in Qatar. Helium 3 plants will bolster value-added GTL production in the state, with the new plant joining the Helium 1 and 2 plants, also located in Ras Laffan Industrial City, Qatar. ‘This milestone reasserts Qatar's position as one of the world's leading helium producers and exporters’, RasGas said in a statement. Qatar Petroleum (QP) President and CEO, Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, described the signing of the agreements as an important building block for Qatar's third Helium project. Al-Kaabi likewise expressed gratitude toward RasGas for its endeavors in accomplishing Helium 3, in this way adding to the improvement of Qatar's North Field assets, and understanding the components of Qatar National Vision 2030 to assemble a superior future for ages to come. Leading engineering and construction contractor in Qatar, has been awarded the EPC contract. Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA) contract for the long-term helium supply and Technology License to supply the helium licensor package equipment has been awarded to an US' Company. The project is expected to become operational in early 2018.

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