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Fujairah Oil Storage Terminal Project - Phase 2

  • Completed
  • Northern Emirates
  • Gas Processing, Oil & Gas

The project is about Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract to build a fuel oil storage terminal by adding 600,000 cubic meters of capacity for crude oil across eight tanks in Fujairah - Phase 2. The works will include a storage terminal along with civil works, storage facility, mechanical and electrical features, and other associated facilities. The project also includes an oil (barrel) with the quantity of 3773886.46. The project is divided into two packages. Package 1 will include 4 storage tanks, each with limit 21,400 cbm, pipe connections, pumping station, fire-fighting facilities, civil, electrical and instrumentation works and related facilities. Package 2 will include connectivity to storage terminal through pipelines, 4 nos. of stacking arms, firefighting facility, along with steel structures, mechanical, civil, electrical and instrumentation works and related facilities. Located on the east coast of UAE at the entrance to the Strait of Hormuz, Fujairah is one of two major ports in the region along with OmanÂ’s Sohar and is a busy refueling point for tankers taking crude on long voyages out of the Gulf. Project design works are nearly completed. The main contractor is expected to be appointed in Q4, 2018. The expansion is due to be completed by fourth quarter of 2019.

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