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Wafi Hotel & Mall Access Bridge Project - Umm Hurair 2

  • OnGoing Project
  • Dubai
  • Roads & Infra

This project involves construction of an access bridge from the main road to connect Wafi Hotel & Mall at Umm Hurair 2 in Dubai. The project is about Construction of an access bridge from the main road to connect a hotel and mall. Dubai’s Wafi mall is to undergo a multi-million dollar refurb this year, as it strives to keep pace with the emirate’s ever-changing retail market. they will add a traditional food court as well as an entertainment area with an 8,000 sq ft mini golf centre, in the hopes of attracting more tenants and increasing the number of visitors. The redevelopment will be completed in two phases by the end of the year, they said, and will also involve adding a new Café Court for fine dining. In the first phase of the development programme scheduled for completion at the end of this year, we are investing heavily in the creation of a new traditional food court.T his will act as a mini anchor and as part of the redesign; it will drive people into what is presently a quiet area of the mall. We recognize that we cannot compete with the likes of mega malls such as The Dubai Mall or Mall of the Emirates, but at the same time, we know that not everyone enjoys the 'mega' experience, and we will fill that void. Other changes will include the modernisation of areas such as alleyways, which were part of the original design nearly 20 years ago. The plan is to open up the mall and create brighter areas, while enhancing the pedestrian traffic flow. A final redevelopment phase will also begin next year for completion to enhance the existing retail mix. Wafi is among a long list of Dubai-based shopping centres to announce plans for a revamp in the last six months as mall owners seek to refresh their offerings and boost footfall to their malls. Client has invited contractors to submit bids for the main contract. Contact Person name has not been disclosed.

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