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Deira Islands Development Project

  • New Project
  • Dubai
  • Building, Urban Construction, Marine Services & Seaports, Leisure, Hotels

Deira Islands Located in the North East end of Dubai, the Palm Deira Islands project will host four interconnected islands, covering a total area of approximately 15.8 square kilometres. The first island, Island A, is directly connected to the main land and diversely planned to include a four-star hotel and yacht club, shopping mall, beach front resorts, anchor retail venues, a boardwalk, residential tower and food and beverage outlets. This location will also host a cultural centre. As a unique development, greenery, parking and social infrastructure will also be included within the island to create a functional living, dining and entertainment community. The Night Market is a unique development to the islands. At 1.8 kilometres long, the market is divided into a series of modular villages. Each village is marked by an exhibition of traditional and historic boats used in the regions, providing a unique strolling experience and learning opportunity. Ease of use and flexibility are important factors in this design. The scheme, which will add 40 kilometres, including 21 kilometres of beachfront to Dubai's coastline is expected to contribute significantly to the Government of Dubai's tourism vision. It paves the way for the development of dozens of hotels and serviced apartments, mixed-use buildings, and residential waterside developments, which is expected to become a new cultural, residential and commercial hub for the emirate. US-based AE7 has been awarded a contract worth $7.6 million to provide design and supervision services, including master planning and infrastructure design for this project.

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